What to study after matriculation?


What to study after matriculation? 

The child has completed matriculation, now I don't understand what subjects to teach next?? The girl has passed matric science with good marks but she is resisting admission in FA? My son had computer science in his matriculation and wants to study computer science but he doesn't like physics and chemistry. If such and many other problems or thoughts are bothering you, then today I intend to discuss this serious topic which is indispensable for both parents and students to understand. 
Remember the period till matriculation is the foundation of the students, during this period he learns a lot and tries to find out his interest but the two years of intermediate are very important for him because he decides that Will he become a school teacher or a computer operator, will he get admission in a good medical college to become a doctor or will he get a seat in engineering in a reputed university etc. We have two types, one is those who are illiterate (generally lower middle class) they are not interested in what their child has studied in matric, what he is studying in inter and why. Studying, they only worry about matriculation or at most entering and getting a job to "improve" their life. While the other type of parents are those who are literate, the disadvantage of this thing is that the parents start imposing their choice on them like "G" Nasser Uncle's son got A+ grade in pre-engineering.


Tha is now doing chemical engineering from NUST, so you will do the same", someone's mother is well educated and will say "my colleague Balqis's daughter got 90% marks in pre-med last year, now she is admitted. Done in King Edward Medical College, you will also do Fsc (pre-medical) Frankly speaking, both these types of parents are "honey-corks" for the children's future, instead there should be parents who cannot guide the children themselves, at least introduce them to a well-educated person or teacher who Can guide him in the selection of subjects or program. If you are an educated parent, keep your wishes in front of your children, but don't force them, they are not wax dolls that will bend wherever you bend them, so stop giving them examples of people's children, not all people are like that. Not all people are intelligent and have the same resources. There is so much to say on this subject, but never again! Currently we try to review the various subjects and programs taught in Inter after matric….. The popular courses taught after matriculation are 5, 6. I will try to explain and introduce them a little bit, if you want you or your son/daughter to take admission in any of these courses.


Contact the Subject Specialist, he will definitely provide you with the best information, guide you, and also inform you about the scope. So let's get started! 1- Intermediate Fsc Students who have studied science in matriculation can do Fsc, thankfully two types of programs are offered for the convenience of students. If you go to any private college, about 60 to 70% students are doing Fsc, very few of them get admission in a medical college or an engineering university after intermediate or else some. So after passing Okha Sokha in Fsc or taking a couple of supplies and joining the business with father, or some like me, when they could not get admission in any place, they get admission in some arts subject with low merit. Actually I want this Fsc fashion to stop now, people stop taking admission in FSC to show themselves worthy and take steps in other fields besides arts subjects.


Whenever I remember my Fsc time, I feel so sad that if I had put so much effort into writing equations, doing algebra and memorizing rules, if I had done even half of that in FA, I would have got good marks, well F. See SC courses.


 Students studying biology in matric who want to go ahead to become a doctor or go into any medical field, then they study pre-medical. Generally, students who like biology do not like mathematics, so this course does not have a name for mathematics, instead, major subjects are biology, chemistry, and physics, while general subjects are Urdu, English, Islamiat, and Pakistan studies. . If you took admission in pre-med to become a doctor and then didn't get admission due to not passing MCAT, before you commit suicide, check on google and there are many medical fields that are taught in different universities of Pakistan. They go, turn towards it, there is no problem, it is life, everything goes on... 

         FSC (Pre-Engineering)                   

Most of the students doing matric science turn to this program, unfortunately I did the same and still feel the smoke coming out of my ears. All the subjects in it are pre-medical but the difference is that biology is replaced by mathematics. After that there are many options other than engineering, since you also study chemistry so you can also do chemical engineering, this facility is also for premedical ones. And second ICS

This program is also becoming very popular because the coming age is technological and all the students studying computer are enrolled in ICS. If you want to study science just for fun, then FSC is better than FSC, because in this program you get rid of stuff like chemistry and you get rid of reading those pesky equations and laws. It is said that computer and mathematics go hand in hand, therefore mathematics is taught in both the years of ICS and exactly the same mathematics is taught to FSC students. It also has two types of programs.


 ICS (Physics)
All the subjects in this program are FSC Pre-Engineering except one subject, i.e. Computer instead of Chemistry, all other subjects are the same. Instead, I find the other ICS program relatively easy, see why.


ICS (Statistics)
This course is very interesting, there is no chemistry anyway, and in this you also kick physics and study statistics instead. Since stat is similar to math and those interested in computers already like math, this program is perfect for them.


Intermediate FA
Matriculation whether with Science or Arts, you can get admission in FA. Many students shy away from taking admission in FA only because they think that it is for unworthy students who have 5-600 marks in matriculation. While this is not the case, it is an excellent program and also easier than other programs which you can not only get good marks with normal hard work but also get admission in arts program in good universities. . In this too, the general subjects are the same as those of Fsc, but there is enough choice for selection in other subjects, for example, if you want, you have the option to choose psychology, English literature, and economics etc. Let me tell you a fact that the merit of BS English in Sargodha University is made like this:
Marks obtained in Intermediate + Marks obtained in English (Compulsory) in both years = Total Marks
Whereas if you study English (Compulsory) in addition to English Literature (Optional) in FA then your merit in Sargodha University for BS English will be as follows:
Marks obtained in Intermediate + Marks obtained in English (Compulsory) in both years + Marks obtained in English Literature (Optional) in both years = Total Marks
So isn't it great? Apart from this, there are many other benefits, I believe you should do FA and see...


 Intermediate I. Com & D. Com 
If you are interested in banking and business etc. or you want to sit in a suit and tie as an officer babu in multinational companies then this field is for you, it teaches students about economics, commerce and business etc. goes. I don't know much about it so I would suggest that if you are interested in this field consult a subject expert and take admission…

    Further more a lot type of diplomas    as.   well being there to get and devolop there skills, we will talk about later. 

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