Natural Knowledge for the humanities


By Voice of Youth

It’s a pleasure to be here at the Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge for the humanities – i'm grateful to you Matthew for the type invite and appreciate the difficulty you’ve taken to supply Maine with a platform nowadays.I am conjointly appreciative of the work you've got finished the RSA since you took over – underneath your leadership the Society has flourished as ne'er before, and leads discussion in policy, in science policy, and on educational reform. And talking of leadership changes…

It is simply over 2 years to the day since Gordon Brown took over as Prime Minister. several of you i do know can have chosen to mark the occasion quietly, in your own manner with Associate in Nursing acceptable non-public ceremony. And perhaps Matthew you, and your previous boss statesman, were among those of us reflective on what may need been…

And similarly as marking the second day of remembrance of the Prime Minister’s accession, this month conjointly marks the second day of remembrance of the dying of the previous Department of Education and therefore the birth of the Department for Children, colleges and Families. 

Now names themselves, particularly names of Whitehall departments, are far reduced than what goes on in their name –Titles, as Lord Mandelson might tell North American country, ar way reduced than the substance of policy.

But the renaming of the previous Department was no idle exercise in empty re branding – it mirrored a philosophical shift in however Government sees its role.

Under Gordon Brown and disfunction Balls, colleges have lost their principal purpose – and been saddled with a bunch of supplementary roles. As the flagship document of Ed’s initial year in workplace – the Children’s arrange – indicated, colleges ar less places of teaching and learning and additional community hubs from that a bunch of children’s services is delivered.

In that sense education has so been eclipsed – and therefore the renaming of the Department is genuinely important – we tend to not have one department of state charged with encouraging learning, supporting teaching and valuing education. Instead we've one department that manages colleges – and sees them as instruments to advance central government’s social agenda. And we conjointly currently have another department – the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills – that manages universities – and sees them as instruments to advance central government’s economic agenda.

What we tend to don't have – and what we tend to urgently want – may be a Department at the heart of presidency championing the reason behind education, the worth of liberal learning, the broader unfold of data as Associate in Nursing uncontested  sensible in its claim.


Today i'd wish to argue for simply such AN approach from following Government. however such AN argument provokes a very important question – why? What is education for?I believe that education could be a smart in itself – one amongst the central hallmarks of a civilized society – so the means that by that societies confirm that  everything that is best in our society is passed on to succeeding generations.

But the case i'd wish to create nowadays goes on the far side that. Education has AN emancipator, liberating, value. I regard education as a result of the  means by that people will gain access to all or any or any the opposite product we have a tendency to value – cultural, social and economic – on their terms. i believe education allows people to become authors of their own life history .

I know from my very own expertise that the opportunities I even have enjoyed area unit entirely the consequence of the education I've got been given. Perhaps I value education such heaps as a result of it's given ME such a lot – however what it has given ME most is that the possibility to form my very own destiny. For generations of my family before ME, life was a matter of handling the alternatives others created, living by a pattern others set. I, and other people members of my generation UN agency got the gift of data by wondrous lecturers, I have been given the dear freedom to follow their own path.

And that relates on to education’s second worth – as a driver of real social justice. absolutely the best means that of serving to all realist their potential – of making chance a lot of equal – is guaranteeing the only doable education for as several as doable.

Education, properly understood, additionally has another worth that i believe is much less appreciated, definitely by those guiding education policy nowadays. As Michael Oakeshott once argued, {every person|every one|every body|all And sundry|one and all} is born heir to an inheritance – “an inheritance of human achievements; AN inheritance of thoughts, beliefs, ideas, understandings, intellectual and sensible enterprises, languages, canons, works of arts, books musical compositions and so on…”

Education ought to be a method of granting each individual their rights to that inheritance. each kid ought to have the prospect to be introduced to the best that has been thought, and written. To deny kids the opportunity to extend their data so that they will appreciate, enjoy, and become familiar with the simplest of our civilization is to preserve a awfully specific, and tragic, quite deprivation.

There is a peculiar, and to my mind, quite indefensible assumption among some that the only cultural experiences to that the young area unit entitled, or even open, area unit those that have an on the spot , and modern, connection to their lives. thus Carol Ann Duffy and drum’n’bass area unit ok, however Jane Austen and Eliot, Cicero and Wagner area unit out.

Schools ought to be {an area unita|a neighborhood|a district|a region|a locality|a vicinity|a part|a section} wherever horizons are extended, and eyes opened. The niceest artists and thinkers area unit great exactly as a result of their insights and achievements have the capability to maneuver , and influence, us all. And so we should not deny their influence to any kid, on the concept of a lazy assumption concerning background, or potential.

Having adult up in Scotland I establish the principle that every one ought to have access to the only with the Scottish Enlightenment ideal of the Democratic Intellect. it's a perfect that underpins everything i'm expressing. And making certain each kid will have access to the body of information that makes up our intellectual inheritance as a society serves 2 different, crucial,

Shared access to the intellectual capital we've engineered up over the years helps bind society along. The yankee thinker E.D. Hirsch has highlighted this important side of instructional policy in his work on Cultural attainment. A society throughout that there's a widespread understanding of the nation’s past, a shared appreciation of cultural reference points, a common stock of data on that all will draw, and trade, could also be a society In which we have a tendency to all perceive one another higher, one throughout that the ties that bind area unit stronger, and a lot of resilient typically of strain.Investment in education, in this sense, is AN investment in democracy. As it is in another sense. The a lot of knowledgeable, intellectually self confident and adept at distinctive smart arguments from dangerous our children become, the a lot of healthy all our democratic establishments. 

Tocqueville acknowledged that democracy is stronger once individual citizens have a stock of information on that to draw that permits them to stand out against tides of opinion that area unit driven by passing fashions and populist rages.Whether on weight unit, or MMR, fighting terrorist act or fighting international temperature change , The better hip to our voters, the upper the possibility of getting a public debate that is frozen on balance , testable propositions and customary sense . 

My case for education doesn’t simply rest on the pillars I’ve printed. It springs, as i mentioned right at the start of my remarks, from a deep belief at intervals the worth of learning as an honest in itself. however at a time once even the most obvious virtues got to defend themselves in AN ever a lot of competitive marketplace of concepts I feel it’s price declarative the crucial importance of education once it involves giving people management over their lives, access to their correct inheritance, a safer place during a more civilized society and so the clearest, strongest, voice at intervals the selections of our time.

And  one among  the reasons why I feel the need to make that case is because feel the crucial importance of education – as  an honest  in itself – and as the parent of  of these  other virtues – is being overlooked and undermined.


I worry that our schools are being asked  to try to to  more and more which, while it might appear desirable, dilutes the importance of teaching and learning. I fear that duties on schools, and teachers, to fulfil  a spread  of noble purposes - everything from promoting community cohesion to developing relationships with other public bodies, trusts, committees and panels gets in the way of their core purpose – education.I am concerned that the focus we need to have, as a society, on spreading knowledge and driving up levels of educational attainment, has been lost recently. When Ofsted – the body which should  worry  with educational standards  in particular  – is given 18 areas on which to judge a school and only  a couple  of them relate explicitly to educational attainment – then we are clearly not concentrating our energies and resources on education, education, education. I am also concerned that our curriculum and examination system is not oriented  because it  should be – towards asserting the importance of liberal earning and rigorous educational achievement.

The body  liable for  our national curriculum – the Qualifications andCurriculum Authority – the QCA – now rebadged  because the  QCDA – the Qualification and Curriculum Development Agency –  doesn't  make its principal aim a guarantee – entitlement if  you favor  – that each pupil will have access to a body  of data . Instead it outlines its hope that schools will produce “successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens” who “are physically competent and confident”, who “sustain and improve the environment locally and globally” and are “willing  to undertake  new things”

I am sure all these goals are admirable, in their own way, but they reflect my underlying concern – that in making schools institutions which seek to cure every social ill and inculcate every possible worthwhile virtue – we are losing sight of the core purpose, and unique value, of education. And that drift away from passing on knowledge, that flight from educational excellence,  is additionally  driven by the way our examination system works,  and therefore the  way our schools are held accountable.


At  the instant  the central educational accountability mechanism for secondary schools is their performance at GCSE.  and therefore the  accountability is all  a method  – up towards the minister – not down towards the parents. Schools  need to  clear a very specific hurdle – they have to make sure 30% of their pupils get 5 Cs or better at GCSE, including English and Maths. Those schools which  don't  clear that hurdle are branded “failing” by the Prime Minister and are faced with closure by the Secretary of State.

This very narrow definition, and particular  quite  accountability, has a tragic skewing effect on the education many children enjoy. Weaker schools,  wanting to  avoid being branded failing, concentrate their efforts on a narrow band of pupils – those on the borderline of a C grade – andthey lead those pupils towards  the type  of qualifications which may beeasier to pass – but which  don't  serve those pupils interests best.

Recently  a gaggle  of headteachers explained to me the popularity of one particular course – called Performing Engineering Operations. This course-  which needs  just one day's study on day release to college - is worth six good GCSE passes. Get your students  to require  it,  and obtain  them to passthe GCSE maths exam - with a pass mark of 20% - lets remember, and the GCSE English exam,  and that they  become statistical success stories.

Across  the tutorial  landscape, qualifications which promise easier routes to a pass mark are growing in popularity. Media Studies GCSE entries have increased by 43%  in only  two years - from 41,027 candidatesin 2004/5 to 59,071 in 2006/7.

At A-level  the increase  over time has also been significant. In 1997 just 8,954 students took media studies A-level. By 2006  the amount  had risen by 157%.

Now  i've got  no particular prejudice against media studies – or any other subject  intrinsically  - as part of a truly rounded education. But my views aren’t the one that matter. The views of admissions tutors at Cambridge University, however, do.Cambridge has published  an inventory  of 20 subjects which don't count as hard A-levels for  the aim  of entry - including art and design, dance, film studies and media studies. The Russell Group has also warned that "students must not disadvantage themselves by choosing a combination of subjects at A-level  which can  not equip them as well as other subjects."


And  it's  striking that while there has been a precipitate increase in the number  of scholars  opting for media studies that increase has been almost entirely in state schools. Last year, just 479 pupils took media studies GCSE in independent schools, compared to 55,060 in comprehensives. Overall,  the amount  of media studies GCSEs taken in comprehensives and secondary moderns accounts for 98% of  the entire  number of entries. While the numbers taking media studies overall have risen by 17,000  within the  last three years the additional number taking the exam in independent schools amounts  to only  49 additional candidates.

And at  the identical  time as independent schools are shunning subjects like media studies their students are pursuing the hard academic subjects universities and employers value. Whether it’s the individual physics, chemistry and biology GCSEs or Modern Languages at  A level , opportunity is  never  equal. Only one state school pupil in 20 is entered for GCSEs in physics, chemistry and biology.  quite  2,000 comprehensives - 68 per cent of the total - can't offer their students the three science GCSEs

And,  because the  Russell Group has pointed out, pupils in independent schools are  3 times  more likely to be doing further Maths A-levels and two and a half times more likely to be doing modern languages A levels than state school pupils who're also sitting A levels.

When access to academic excellence is rationed so tightly,  it's  a standing affront to any notion of social justice. But wherever one looks at the education system today the denial of poor children’s rights to their intellectual inheritance is everywhere apparent. Of the 75,000 children on free school meals  annually  (about 1 in 8 of all pupils), four out of ten fail  to urge  even a single ‘C’ grade GCSE. Only 189  of those  75,000  persist  to get three As at A Level – compared with the 175 three A’s pupils produced by  only one  school, Eton.

Independent schools, which educate just 7% of pupils, produce more pupils who get three A's at  A level  than every comprehensive school put together.These statistics don’t just show the impoverishing effect of the Government’s target culture on state education, they also underline how restricted  is that the  access our children currently enjoy to the inheritance which is theirs by right – access to the knowledge which previous  generations fought  to accumulate  – the stock of intellectual capital which is their real entitlement.


And the impoverished nature of the education our children are granted is only underlined by  an in depth  attention to the syllabus in each of these areas. In Science GCSEs students are asked if they sweat through the liver or the skin, of  we glance  at the stars with a synthesizer or a telescope, if battered sausages are healthier than grilled fish and if generating waste or creating

jobs  may be a  better argument for nuclear energy. The new 21st century science curriculum has replaced hard scientific reasoning with discussion of science's impact on society. So students debate the merits of  somatic cell  therapies or climate change mitigation without the deep biological knowledge  that permits  a profound understanding of how cord blood cells work or  the great  knowledge of physics which enables different theses to be properly tested.

The  Royal Society  of Chemistry has described the changes to the science curriculum as "a catastrophe" and Martin Stephen, the High Master of St Paul's, has argued that the new exams have a "terrifying" absence of real science. Even the Government's own appointees,  like  Kathleen Tattersall, of the exams watchdog Coequal, have said that revisions to the science criteria have led to a fall  within the  quality of science assessments. In history we fail  to offer  our children a connected sense of the narrative of our islands. Ofsted has reported that "pupils knowledge and understanding of key historical facts  isn't  good enough; their knowledge is fragmented. Young people's knowledge  is extremely  often patchy and specific, they are unable to sufficiently link discrete historical events to answer big questions, form overviews and demonstrate strong conceptual understanding. Young people's sense of chronology  is comparatively  weak and they are generally unable to relate a longer narrative of the story of Britain."

It is through deepening information – through subject disciplines – that real understanding and thinking skills area unit embedded. vital engagement with literary texts, as an example, works by having as wide a variety of reference points, as made a stock of allusions, as deep a information of different works which will have influenced the author, as doable.In history, trends, causes and effects area unit best understood once one has the knowledge to produce context and depth. Knowing however the French revolution began, and ended, helps students perceive the dynamics of other revolutions – from the Russian revolution of 1917 to the Velvet Revolution of 1990.

One of the explanations why we've such considerations regarding the Rose review of primary education is as a result of it presages an extra abandonment of subject disciplines and a retreat into the fuzzy and abstract learning we tend to descended into within the past.

Ofsted itself has recently warned that efforts to push supposed general learning skills within the syllabus, in situ of ancient subject disciplines, was resulting in, “less rigor and challenge”. In some colleges that have adopted this approach standards have plummeted and Ofsted gave warning of the “uneven” teaching quality that marked this approach also as the creation of “artificial” links between subjects. In this respect I will do no higher than quote from one in all the best possible teachers in state education nowadays – Sir archangel Wilshaw – WHO has given Mossbourne Community Academy in Hackney a number of the best possible price added leads to the country.

“My concern” he argued recently, “is that the growing abandonment of subject discipline can cause several of our most deprived youngsters losing out… the days instructional Supplement… reported  that those comprehensive colleges that most sky-high abandoned specific subject teaching for a a lot of versatile, porous syllabus have seen their standards drop. My concern is that oldsters WHO will afford it will access specific subject teaching earlier instead of later, with the foremost thriving prep colleges introducing separate subjects tutored by subject specialists before pupils continue to education.”

“It isn't unreasonable to use the argument that [with] a loosening of the curriculum, wherever breadth is a lot of vital than depth, wherever skills area unit seen as a substitute for information, outcomes can deteriorate. As a nation we need to stress regarding the priority over grade inflation, we'd like to stress  that within the latest urban center studies of advanced economies and their instructional performance, we've born from fourth to fourteenth place in science, seventh to seventeenth place in accomplishment and eighth to 24th in mathematics. This drop isn't simply a consequence of different countries improving at a quicker rate, absolutely the performance of our students has also born.”

And Sir archangel went on to warn that he feared associate degree “educational social policy wherever freelance colleges, synchronic linguistics colleges and maybe the highest comps treat the complete standard, thematic, non-subject primarily based syllabus with disdain and select the IGCSE and therefore the International Baccalaureate.”

I entirely share Sir Michael’s considerations – we tend to cannot build chance more equal once access to the stocks of information contained among traditional subject disciplines is blocked, or rendered much impossible, to therefore many…So what's to be done?



Firstly we'd like to confirm that each tool at our disposal is oriented  towards educational excellence and promoting rigor. And second, we want to form a virtuous dynamic in education wherever parents within the state sector exercise the type of power and management presently enjoyed by those within the personal sector – thus all kids will have access to the excellence presently restricted to too few… If we tend to area unit lucky enough to be entrusted with billet once subsequent election we are going to take a series of steps in our 1st few weeks to drive speedy improvement in academic standards.

We will provide academics the powers they have to stay order in school rooms thus teaching and learning may be the centre piece of each school's life.We will, specifically, provide academics powers over exclusion, detention, searching, restraining and disciplining kids that this Government has denied them. And we can guarantee troubled kids area unit placed within the variety of various environments - from boarding academies to reformed pupil referral units - which provide them the prospect to induce back on to a track which can secure them qualifications. We will make sure that the freelance exams regulator Ofqual guarantees that exams in UK area unit as rigorous because the world's best and, unlike the Government, we are going to provide all state colleges the proper to try to to a similar high quality international exams, like the iGCSE, that currently solely personal schools have access to. We will reform our SATs to sharpen answer ableness and go up standards by guaranteeing the risks of teaching to the take a look at and gambling the system area unit reduced to a minimum. we are going to replace the Key Stage one tests with a simple reading take a look at at the tip of the second year of primary so folks know whether or not their kid has been educated to scan properly or not. We will reform the communication system to cut back the amount of modules and also the reliance on work that has adversely affected standards. We will reform league tables so positions area unit mounted by points allotted for every communication pass - giving colleges associate degree incentive to stretch the brightest and support the weakest - as a result of each pass can count and A stars can count most of beat crucial a school's ranking.

We will utterly overhaul the programme - to confirm that the acquisition of knowledge among rigorous subject disciplines is correctly valued and cherished.And we can direct the energies of non-departmental public bodies - from Ofsted to the National school of college Leadership - so that they recognize their aim is that the promotion of academic excellence and educational attainment for all. Crucially these changes can rely on recruiting, and retentive, the very best and most proficient professionals. meaning raising the esteem of teaching - spoken communication as a society that we tend to price education additional. That's why we tend to've argued that we should provide heads far more power over budgets so that they will reward nice academics higher. Academies have already got more freedom over pay and conditions - we must always extend such freedoms to all colleges. colleges ought to be able to pay bonuses and attract and keep specialists - particularly in maths and science and particularly within the poorest areas with the worst issues.

Teachers ought to tend the chance to deepen their subject knowledge and keep up on educational developments in their field with proper programmes of rigorous skilled development. That's why organisations that celebrate not simply the craft of teaching however the thrill of deep engagement with subjects - just like the Prince's Teaching Institute - area unit so vital.

And in our efforts to confirm that additional proficient folks be a part of the already hugely spectacular cohort of these presently in teaching, we might expand Teach 1st and pioneer a replacement Teach Next programme to assist people who have already succeeded in one profession transfer their abilities to teaching. We have conjointly declared plans to assist the highest ex military personnel with a background in coaching inherit education through a United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Troops to,Teachers programme. and that we would support the enlargement of schemes like the Future Leaders programme that helps attract high performing arts professionals from different fields into teaching with a read to fast their progress into senior positions in our colleges.  What specifically considerations American state is associate degree approach that denies kids access to information as a result of time, and effort, is spent on cultivating abstract thinking skills instead of deepening the mental object that is that the best foundation for reasoning.

It is through deepening information – through subject disciplines – that real understanding and thinking skills area unit embedded. vital engagement with literary texts, as an example, works by having as wide a variety of reference points, as made a stock of allusions, as deep a information of different works which will have influenced the author, as potential. In history, trends, causes and effects area unit best understood once one has the knowledge to produce context and depth. Knowing however the French revolution began, and ended, helps students perceive the dynamics of other revolutions – from the Russian revolution of 1917 to the Velvet Revolution of 1990.

One of the explanations why we've got such considerations regarding the Rose review of primary education is as a result of it presages an additional abandonment of subject disciplines and a retreat into the fuzzy and abstract learning we tend to descended into within the past. Ofsted itself has recently warned that efforts to market questionable general learning skills within the programme, in situ of ancient subject disciplines,was resulting in, “less rigour and challenge”. In some colleges that have adopted this approach standards have plummeted and Ofsted gave warning of the “uneven” teaching quality that marked this approach moreover as the creation of “artificial” links between subjects.

In this respect I will do no higher than quote from one in all the highest teachers in state education these days – Sir archangel Wilshaw – World Health Organization has given Mossbourne Community Academy in Hackney a number of the highest price added leads to the country.

And we apprehend that a lot of of these faculties that are most roaring in attracting new talent and in serving to raise the status of teaching have been those faculties - whether or not recent CTCs or new academies - that have flourished outside each native and central officialdom management. Which is simply one among the explanations why we have a tendency to favour a radical programme of long-term college reform to open up the state sector to additional talent, more investment and additional innovation. We have already made public plans to require the terribly weakest faculties within the state system, wherever native authorities have didn't improve results, and transform them mechanically into academies, handing them over to organisations with a tested account of instructional excellence to drive improvements as quickly as doable.

We have conjointly made public proposals to permit each lyceum that is good with outstanding options to amass academy freedoms, provided they team with another institution to make sure their extra freedoms facilitate draw close standards additional wide. And we have made public proposals to permit new organisations - charities, parents and voluntary teams, organisations like the Steiner and Montessori movements, social entrepreneurs et al. to open new schools - as in Sverige - by permitting folks to transfer the money the state presently spends on their kids to those new state faculties. These faculties would conjointly get pleasure from full academy freedoms - and that they would help draw close standards here - as they need in Sverige. We have conjointly declared proposals to increase academy freedoms to primary faculties - plans that are welcome by thinkers across the board - from Tony Blair's former education consultant Conor Ryan to the Lib Dems most influential  think factory - Centreforum. And we have created it clear that we'd training school funding - through a pupil premium for poorer kids - to make sure new faculties and additional innovation ar most effectively focused within the areas of greatestdisadvantage.

And shortly we are going to be going additional in outlining however ensuing stage of our programme of reform can unfold... Parental alternative, philosophy of offer, a diversity of faculties with completely different ways of harnessing talent and resources has helped secure enhancements - from Sverige to America. and enhancements haven't been restricted simply to those faculties that exercise the new freedoms that are granted - they need been seen altogether faculties as all of them work to stay pace with the innovations being pioneered within the best.

Of course, with larger freedoms comes experimentation. however one issue stands go into all the foremost roaring faculties that ar free from bureaucratic management - they decide on AN approach towards education that rests on ancient subject disciplines, rigour, AN expectation that each child, no matter their background will follow a basic tutorial information and a belief that a university education is that the destiny of the overwhelming majority.

Whether it’s the colleges of the Harris Academy chain in South London,Mossbourne Community Academy, the International English faculties of Sweden or the information is Power Programme faculties of America each group of faculties that has created a triumphant success of freedom from bureaucratic management has done therefore by embrace AN approach to education which has been - within the absolute best sense - ancient. And it's my firm belief that's the education folks need. once they have the resources to, they exit within the personal sector. once they have access to it, they beat a path to its door within the state sector.

One of the central goals of David Cameron's political party is that the breaking up of officialdom management, and institution power, when bureaucracies and institutions ar thwarting the logic of the people. And obscurity is logic additional flouted than among the education institution and by education bureaucracies.And I use the term logic within the means Tom Paine would have understood - the wide shared and democratically expressed feelings offree voters. a people people's logic inclines them towards schools within which the principal activity is teaching and learning, 

The principal goal is tutorial attainment, the principle guiding each action is the wider unfold of excellence, the initiation of recent generations into the amazing achievements of humans.

Because that's what education is for.....

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